How to filter interactive guides in Driveway

Chris Schilling
Find and create your interactive guides faster than ever before with filters and screenshot improvements.
Chris Schilling
2 min read·July 13, 2022

We're back with more updates and improvements to Driveway. Over the past few weeks, we've made finding and creating your guides even faster.
Check out the video below and continue reading to learn more. 👇
⭐️ Guide filters
Finding the right guides in your Driveway workspace just got a whole lot easier. You can now filter your guides by author, sort by title or created date, and star your favorites for quick access.

📸 Faster screenshots
We've turbo-charged screenshot capturing in the Driveway Chrome Extension for more accurate screenshots on all of your steps. That means more detailed screenshots and descriptions when you capture a new guide, whether you're navigating with your mouse or keyboard.

🏁 More fixes and improvements
— Scrolling through your guides in the Driveway web app is now much smoother. You'll also see a fun mouse animation on hover for a more immersive feel.
— Live View now supports better handling for multiple frames on a single webpage so your users can progress through their guides uninterrupted.
— Users that don't have the Driveway Chrome extension installed when attempting to use Live View are automatically prompted to download it.
— Once a Driveway guide is completed in Live View, users will see a congratulations message.
And that's all for now! We hope you like these product changes. As always, please send any thoughts, feedback, or issues our way.